Showing posts with label cosmetic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cosmetic. Show all posts

Thursday, October 1, 2020


What is dermocosmetics? What is not?


    While we've all heard a lot of things like Dermocosmetics lately, I'm sure we can't clarify many things. As a healthcare worker engaged in this job, I wanted to shed some light on the subject.

    Before explaining the term dermocosmetics, let's explain a little word meaning and where it consists of. Cosmetics appear as the general name given to all products used over time to care for human skin, body and look better for many years. Dermocosmetics taboo; The drug used for the treatment of some dermatologically encountered conditions in humans as a result of the development of the cosmetics industry, cosmetics v. b emerged as a result of insufficient products and the need for more advanced products. For example; vaseline, glycerin v. in a body moisturizer used to moisturize the skin. Drugs or commercial products (cosmetics) obtained as a result of the use of substances that give moisture to the skin require frequent and repetitive use, while urea, hyaluronic acid v. Although it is used less with the addition of b substances, products that provide more skin moisture (dermocosmetics) can be reached. This is the main purpose of dermocosmetics. Taking the condition better, treating it, solving problems that may be encountered with patient sleepers or products related to other used products.

What content should we use??

What are the right known mistakes in this regard?

What should we pay attention to in cosmetic products??

  • While dermocosmetics solve these problems, to prove that they are smoother and more effective, more natural; they have the following features.

  • They may contain more specific and different properties of active substances.

  • It has been dermatological tests and some features have been tested.

  • They are produced in a more natural nature, especially with the principle that products to be produced for more sensitive skin and babies should be more natural. It carries special certificates on this subject and its natural ingredients are expressed in %.

  • They may contain patented active ingredients and ingredients and Patented systems.

  • Manufacturers specify their content in full and with quantities or %.

  • One and a few active ingredients, standard plant extract and drogs, vitamins, minerals, patented ingredients, proven special products (such as thermal water), microbiological, bioactive ingredients, peptide-protein structures and all products they may contain are unlimited.

  • They can be designed for some special cases, they can show some special conditions such as pH adjusted (such as incline washing gels), hygienic, sterile, chemical-free, apirogen.

  • They can be used in the diagnosis and treatment of many diseases, ailments and special conditions that can also be encountered in the skin or systemically.

  • Many drugs or active substance carriers such as liposome, niosis, microcure, nanocure, transdermal systems are applicable to the new system and thus the desired feature of the product is recoverable (by ensuring that the protector from a sun with a liposome formulation descends to the lower layers of the skin, the length of action and the result of providing controlled release.

  • They can be presented in very different packaging and active/ active substance carrier-protective special containers (with elevator pump system, double helix active-auxiliary substance mixer.

  • Treatment of one or more conditions can respond to the condition of correction (such as wrinkle, detention bag, bruising eye cream.

  • While their prices should be more expensive due to their intense content, their prices are in a downward trend with dermocosmetics production and increased brands.

  • It does not contain many of the chemical or natural products that have proven odor, coloring matter, harms or possible harms (Parabens, oil derivatives.

  • They undergo some tests as sensitive as drugs in terms of efficacy, side effects, shelf life, stability, toxicity, they are developed and tested under clinical conditions.

  • Almost all dermocosmetics are sold in pharmacies. There are also products sold in both pharmacies and other sales channels.

  • Common aspect of all dermocosmetics products; they are necessarily recommended by a dermatologist physician, a pharmacist or a skin specialist, according to different skin types, with separate solutions for different problems.

What health problems can be caused by not using dermocosmetics?

    We can divide the negative effects of not using dermocosmetics or using more other products into two gurus as short and long-term effects. Some of them do not use their product or occur as soon as they follow after use; some of them can occur longer months, years later. With all the scientific studies done today; more naturally based, close to nature, prepared in accordance with human nature (appropriate pH v. b) While showing that the products give better results, the treatment feature has shown that the products that are prepared for special treatment and prevention purposes, which are high and have more chemical properties, or that we have been dermocosmetically tabulated, have high patient sleepiness and treatment effectiveness. 

    For this reason, with the use of cosmetic products, we are more likely to encounter undesirable short and long-term conditions such as chemical reactions, skin reactions, side effects, product ineffectiveness. If we explain the situation with a simple example; when we moisten one hand of a patient complaining of dryness with a petroleum-derived vaseline-based cosmetic moisturizer and moisten the other hand with a dermocosmetics moisturizer with a high natural content containing natural avacoda extract; The results we will get from two hands, humidification effect times, product toxicity, damage to tissues and of course patient satisfaction results will be undoubtedly different.

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