Showing posts with label herbal product. Show all posts
Showing posts with label herbal product. Show all posts

Thursday, October 1, 2020


The tighter and non-cellulite appearance becomes more important with the introduction of the sea season with the weight taken in the winter and the thought of giving them in the following days when we entered the summer months. Serious problems can be seen regarding the products used for slimming and similar purposes, due to the lack of legal regulations and the awareness of use in our country. In this issue, we aim to open a correct window in your perspective on these products more accurately, more purposely, without reverberation and more consciously with the information we will give you.

There are many products with chemical and natural ingredients on the subject in Turkey market. Masculine, Cheerleader, L-Carnitine, Lipotropic Factor, Sinameki, Chrome, Bromelain, Pineapple, Cabbage, Q Enzyme Co10, Red Pepper, Ephedrine, OrlistatR, Sibutramine, Chitosan, Seed. b.

After explaining these products in groups with their general duties, we want to list what you need to pay attention to.

Products That More Water Remover From The Body

These products are products that often help with slimming product formations and increase water excretion from the body (kidneys) such as Bromelain, Parsley, Cherry Stalk, which can also be used alone.

Fat Burning Products

L-Carnitine, which can be used individually as it usually enters slimming product formulations, are products that can increase the amount of fat burning in the body with or without sports, such as CLA. In response to the detection of high doses of fat-shredding and appetite-reducing effects of cinephrine active substance, there is also a blood pressure booster effect. Some oral combined products also have regional (abdomen, hips, bass) fat burning properties.

Products That Prevent Fat Absorption and Easily Purify Through Stool

Some products perform the retention of the oils taken into our body in the digestive system, allowing them to be excreted from the body through the faeces without being digested. OrlistatR, LitramineR are examples of these active ingredients.

Products That Feel Slap

The vast majority are products that create a feeling of satiety by swelling with water or fluids in the stomach. Containing natural fibers (Physillum v. b) all products, RedusureR is used for this purpose.

Intestinal Runner Products

These products, on the other hand, provide relief of the bloating problem that develops due to intestinal problems and constipation problems. Sinameki drog and herbal teas, Natural vegetable fibers can be exemplified by these products.

Metabolism Accelerator (Thermogenic) Products

Products used to reduce the working speed of our metabolism for various reasons can be counted in this group. Its main features are; they contribute to the burning of carbohydrates and fats by increasing the amount of energy burned or released in the body. It has recently been combined with other slimming active ingredients in combination. Natural herbal products containing Green Tea, Caffeine, Q Enzyme Co10, Pepper Extracts, Rosemary, Thyme, Cocoa, Iodine and iodine are examples.

Blood-Sugar Balancing Products

They are used to suppress the constant snack and dessert desire due to the disorder or irregularity of the blood sugar balance. Mulberry extract, Cinnamon products and best known can be counted as Chrome (Chrome Picolinate).

Products That Make Feeling Full in the Brain

Unnaturally, they act by creating an artificial sense of saturation by affecting the system of saturation in the brain. The most commonly used is Sibutramine. As of January 21, 2010, slimming products carrying sibutramine are prohibited from being used due to the high risk they carry. In general, it is a great danger to participate without permission and license due to the high effectiveness it shows in most slimming formulations.

Micronutrient Products

While these products keep the body fit during the diet period with the high vitamins, minerals and aminoacids they contain, they reduce the need of the body to meet these deficiencies from the outside, causing an indirect reduction in the desire to eat. Moss products, Microweeds can be given as an example.

Products That Reduce Carbohydrate Absorption

Products in this guru act by reducing the digestive enzyme activity during carbohydrate digestion, reducing the calorie value absorbed from nutrients. PhaseliteR is an example of such active ingredients.

Products with Medical Device Status

These products are products that do not interact with the body herhangibir and are gourmet as medical devices. According to the Medical Device Directive AB93/42/EEC, they are approved products that do not interact with the activities and body. Patented active ingredients such as Ommec19R, RedusureR, LitramineR, PhaseliteR have become more preferable lately as a medical device (Class IIA) by mechanical means, without interacting with the body. Their inability to interact with the body minimized the incidence of side effects and harmful effects on the body.

Products Used Outside the Body

These products are driven from outside, without mouth cream, gel v. b are products. They may contain some of the mouth slimming active ingredients, as well as natural vegetable oils, natural plant extracts. Often Thyme, Rosemary, Lemon, Orange, Lavender v. b may contain oils. Side effects of products taken from the mouth recently and cellulite, heir v. b The importance of outsourced products to improve weight-related conditions is increasing.

Natural Food Products

These products are products that we can easily take during our nutrition and contribute to our weakening. Grapefruit, Green Tea, Yogurt, Almond, Coffee, Apple, Spinach, Bean, Pepper, Broccoli, Curry, Cabbage, Cucumber, Cinnamon, Curry, Broccoli, Egg, Walnut, Garlic, Oatmeal, Soy Milk.

Other Natural Food Supplements and Natural Teas Used as Auxiliary

In addition to the products used internally and externally, described above, some natural food supplements that are used or do not fall under these classifications are found in herbal teas and excipients. Slimming Teas, Apple Vinegar, Egyptian Tassel v. b products can be counted in this gurupta.

What You Need to Pay Attention Regarding Slimming Product Selection and Use?

1- It should be noted that the lack of products fully approved by the competent authorities in terms of serious legal regulation and registration of ingredients related to products placed in the slimming products market is a very serious problem.

2- Do not choose products without professional help from your doctor, pharmacist, dietician or healthcare professional in the provision of these products. This situation can harm you instead of benefit.

3- Especially sold on the internet channel, quality and product reliability are not approved by health orthorities (Ministry of Agriculture approval in Turkey, although many herbal products are considered sufficient, this should be done by a separate and autonomous competent institution. no product should be respected.

4- Rather than advertising on products, product content, scientific results in this regard, and the advice of the healthcare professional should be the basic decision-making method.

5- Not only with single product use of slimming, diet, exercise v. It should be noted that it will be healthy with the support of b. If possible, the slimming process should be managed using all of them together.

6- It should not be forgotten that no herbal product will be able to give 8-10 kg in a month, it should be known that losing weight quickly and in a very short time is not healthy.

7- The prospect of many products on the market in Turkey or the content written on the box should not be forgotten that there may be differences in what actually happened, professional in product reviews, more scientific and healthy methods should be the reason for the choice of products selling products. It should also be noted that with bad products available on the market, it may be subject to the same negative comments on good and professional products.

8- The cause of your weight problem should be determined after the necessary control, examination, inquiry by a healthcare worker and your use of the products selected in this direction should be ensured.

9- Some products used to lose weight are more effective with sports. For example, using L-Karnitin some time before sports will provide significant support in your fat burning during sports.

10- You should definitely add foods that help you lose weight in your weight loss program to your diet.

11- You will choose slimming products; You should be careful that it is more scientifically supported, without synthetic material, with more naturally approved ingredients.

12- Rather than comments on those who use the products, the opinions of health professionals who sell or have knowledge of these products should be consulted.

13- It should be noted that losing weight is a process that needs to be managed well and this process varies from person to person.

14- It should be noted that the effectiveness and results of all products you will use in a way related to weight loss may vary from person to person.

15- It should also be noted that the product you use to weaken does not mean that it is herbal, harmless.

16- The slimming product should be realized by adding it in a more natural, side-inactive, if possible, several functional combinations, if possible, in an externally applicable product.


What exactly is detox?
 Detox is a nutrition program that should be applied regularly in order to be most effectively purified from toxins. Detox should be considered as adequate and measured intake of healthy and natural products, as opposed to what most people think and apply. It is the introduction of fish rich in Omega-3 fatty acids instead of red meat with a high saturated fat rate, water consumption instead of coffee and alcohol intake, and the use of probiotic products that are of great benefit to the digestive system. Consumption of whole grain products, vegetable-sourced but quality protein, green lentils, dry beans such as baked beans, chickpeas are the basis of the correct detox program. 

Why detox is done? Delaying aging, Increasing motivation, Providing efficiency, Calming, Being energetic, Protecting from diseases, Resting organs, Purification, Rejuvenating, Clearing the skin

People Who Can Detox: Those who wake up tired in the morning, those who work with stress and hard work and frequent travelers, those who do not consume at least five servings of vegetables and fruits every day, those who do not drink enough water, consume intense alcohol, sugar and caffeine, those who complain about edema, gas and bloating, those who live immobile... 

Detox Program Not Recommended Conditions: Those with organ failure (Heart, kidney, liver), Pregnants, Pacifiers, Those with high blood pressure, Seniors, Diabetes patients, Children detox can be dangerous. 

When to do detox? Detox can be done in all seasons. However, the goal in the detox diet should not be losing weight, but just cleaning, resting the body and strengthening the immune system. Indispensable winter season, vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, potatoes, spinach, onions, artichokes and cauliflower provide you with support when detoxing. Ginger, chicory, fennel, celery, thyme, and dill can help remove excess water from the body. Grapefruit and orange juice also strengthen the immune system with vitamin C, which they contain. Is detox necessary, can't the body clean itself human body has the capacity to clean itself without the need for detox. However, the problem is caused by malnutrition, although many people lead a stressful and immobile life. Nor can the adverse conditions of the environment, the accumulation of metabolic waste taken into the body, the increase in diseases and the decrease in the vitality of the tissues create a need for detox. 

Should I do detox a doctor?? Can people do it themselves? People can do it themselves as long as they know the general principles. However, they should prefer the correct practices to be done with doctor and dietician control. How often it is done? Detox needs to be brought into the form of philosophy of life. However, people can also detox during seasonal transitions. 

Detox-Specific Foods: 

Vegetables: Carrots, beets, cabbage, celery, parsley, all green leaves, red-yellow ones, potatoes, zucchini, pumpkin, garlic, ginger and onion v. b These vegetables should be consumed in three ways: 1) By making soup 2) Cooking in steam 3) Raw Vegetable Waters by tightening the water: Carrot, beet, celery, parsley and wheat grass can be prepared in blender. 

Fruits: Citrus fruits, apples, pears, watermelons, black grapes, cherry, grapes, pineapple and mango. Dried ones should not be used because they contain more sugar and less enzymes. 1) Its water is squeezed 2) It is passed through Blender and eaten in the form of fruit dessert 3) It is eaten as a whole Cereals: It should be kept in drinking water for at least six hours or one night and cooked in plenty of water with sea salt. Fresh nuts and seeds should be cooked the next day after being left in the water one night. 

Things to Consider When Making Detoxes

  • Care should be taken after the detox program, not to suddenly switch to the old diet.

  • What you don't eat is more important than what you eat. It is recommended to eat as little as possible. 

  • Taking low nutrients and drinking too much fluid speeds up the body's self-purification time and increases its effect. 

  • The most important substances the body needs are minerals, trace elements, enzymes and vitamins. 

  • Animal protein, fat, refined sugar and starch increase the accumulation of acid substances in the body and prolong the cleaning process. Therefore, it should be removed from the detox program. 

  • Fasting is also a detox. Heavy meals eaten alone in iftar disrupt this program. Simple, unrefined, herbal foods should be taken from essential nutrients. 

  • In detox programs, it is desirable to remove all proteins from the diet, but skim milk, egg white and fish grills should be recommended. 

  • Carbonated drinks should be avoided, instead the separator should be included. A glass of cola mixes sugar equal to white sugar as much as nine teaspoons of blood. 

  • Fruits are absorbed from the intestine. Therefore, it must be eaten while the stomach is empty.

Detox Products on the Turkish Pharmaceutical Market: Due to the multiplicity of detox-effective products and the width of the detox concept, a complete detox product is not available on the market. Detox bands are the most common products with liver cleanser and preservatives, intestinal cleansers, antioxidant herbal or vitamin-based products. Due to the development of the detox concept, detox products are expected to increase and diversify.

Wednesday, September 30, 2020


With the arrival of the winter season, significant changes occur in our body, skin, and spirit structure begins to form. The products you can use in this process; I wanted to remind you briefly. This the reason why our body's resistance to sickness became important in the period; multivitamins, especially vitamin C, immune system support natural food supplements and herbal products, herbal teas, herbal drogs, vegetable oils come to the fore.

Multivitamins: Fatigue, meeting what we cannot get from nutrients and what we normally need to take into the body In this period, we are ourselves in this period, by preventing the lack of concentration, the negative condition due to vitamin deficiencies they make us feel better.

Vitamin C; The most consumed products in winter due to its antioxidant feature and increase our body resistance between. It should be consumed especially natural and fresh. If it cannot be consumed naturally, reliable brands are especially natural and ester c forms should be preferred.

Fish oils; It is indispensable for the winter period and in this period from outside to those who cannot naturally consume fish I would like to remind you that they must take it. The important thing here is the fish we consume as natural food how much of the substances our body needs is able to meet. So it is absolutely in the winter period besides natural consumption, reliable, fish oil products sold in pharmacies, omega 3 quantities in it questioning, using I suggest.

Echineacea, Beta Glucan, Propolis, Black Elderberry, Propolis, Pelargonium get from plants like capsule prepared with extracts, syrup, lozenge, drop, tablet forms and natural drog containing these plants and herbal teas must be taken from reliable places, packaging quality, drog quality, drog ıssues such as quantity and standard statement should be questioned. 

Besides, vitamins and antioxidants; It has content such as Zinc, Selenium, Beta carotene, vitamin E, vitamin C, B Complex Vitamins combined natural food supplements can also be used.

Herbal Tea and Drogs: In the winter period, we often consume in the form of drog, tea, oil and help are the products we apply for. Daisy, Sage, Rosehip, Mint, Ginger, Lime, Carnation, Cumin, Thyme are the main ones.

As for my Dermocosmetics recommendations for the winter period: Winter period is an increase in the needs of our skin and Regular dermocosmetics use during this period as there is a period when it dries more it is very important.. Especially cleaning the skin and ensuring its moisture prevents future damage. Outer due to factors (wind, water, cold air v. b) special care for our affected hair during this period complementary and moisture masks, oils, special products should be added. In the selection of these products, those with natural ingredients and less chemicals should be preferred. It is especially important to choose your face moisturizer suitable for your skin type. This period is suitable for the treatment of skin spot treatments and other skin imperfections when it happens, I definitely recommend a healthcare worker to apply on this issue. Remember, although summer is one of the most important seasons that affect our skin, the damage it causes to our skin in winter is also more it can be permanent and forward-looking.

In winter, you add the products I have described above to your consumption according to your needs; you in winter and forward it will protect against the troubles you may experience and allow you to have a healthier winter season. With health stay.

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