Showing posts with label detox tablets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label detox tablets. Show all posts

Thursday, October 1, 2020


What exactly is detox?
 Detox is a nutrition program that should be applied regularly in order to be most effectively purified from toxins. Detox should be considered as adequate and measured intake of healthy and natural products, as opposed to what most people think and apply. It is the introduction of fish rich in Omega-3 fatty acids instead of red meat with a high saturated fat rate, water consumption instead of coffee and alcohol intake, and the use of probiotic products that are of great benefit to the digestive system. Consumption of whole grain products, vegetable-sourced but quality protein, green lentils, dry beans such as baked beans, chickpeas are the basis of the correct detox program. 

Why detox is done? Delaying aging, Increasing motivation, Providing efficiency, Calming, Being energetic, Protecting from diseases, Resting organs, Purification, Rejuvenating, Clearing the skin

People Who Can Detox: Those who wake up tired in the morning, those who work with stress and hard work and frequent travelers, those who do not consume at least five servings of vegetables and fruits every day, those who do not drink enough water, consume intense alcohol, sugar and caffeine, those who complain about edema, gas and bloating, those who live immobile... 

Detox Program Not Recommended Conditions: Those with organ failure (Heart, kidney, liver), Pregnants, Pacifiers, Those with high blood pressure, Seniors, Diabetes patients, Children detox can be dangerous. 

When to do detox? Detox can be done in all seasons. However, the goal in the detox diet should not be losing weight, but just cleaning, resting the body and strengthening the immune system. Indispensable winter season, vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, potatoes, spinach, onions, artichokes and cauliflower provide you with support when detoxing. Ginger, chicory, fennel, celery, thyme, and dill can help remove excess water from the body. Grapefruit and orange juice also strengthen the immune system with vitamin C, which they contain. Is detox necessary, can't the body clean itself human body has the capacity to clean itself without the need for detox. However, the problem is caused by malnutrition, although many people lead a stressful and immobile life. Nor can the adverse conditions of the environment, the accumulation of metabolic waste taken into the body, the increase in diseases and the decrease in the vitality of the tissues create a need for detox. 

Should I do detox a doctor?? Can people do it themselves? People can do it themselves as long as they know the general principles. However, they should prefer the correct practices to be done with doctor and dietician control. How often it is done? Detox needs to be brought into the form of philosophy of life. However, people can also detox during seasonal transitions. 

Detox-Specific Foods: 

Vegetables: Carrots, beets, cabbage, celery, parsley, all green leaves, red-yellow ones, potatoes, zucchini, pumpkin, garlic, ginger and onion v. b These vegetables should be consumed in three ways: 1) By making soup 2) Cooking in steam 3) Raw Vegetable Waters by tightening the water: Carrot, beet, celery, parsley and wheat grass can be prepared in blender. 

Fruits: Citrus fruits, apples, pears, watermelons, black grapes, cherry, grapes, pineapple and mango. Dried ones should not be used because they contain more sugar and less enzymes. 1) Its water is squeezed 2) It is passed through Blender and eaten in the form of fruit dessert 3) It is eaten as a whole Cereals: It should be kept in drinking water for at least six hours or one night and cooked in plenty of water with sea salt. Fresh nuts and seeds should be cooked the next day after being left in the water one night. 

Things to Consider When Making Detoxes

  • Care should be taken after the detox program, not to suddenly switch to the old diet.

  • What you don't eat is more important than what you eat. It is recommended to eat as little as possible. 

  • Taking low nutrients and drinking too much fluid speeds up the body's self-purification time and increases its effect. 

  • The most important substances the body needs are minerals, trace elements, enzymes and vitamins. 

  • Animal protein, fat, refined sugar and starch increase the accumulation of acid substances in the body and prolong the cleaning process. Therefore, it should be removed from the detox program. 

  • Fasting is also a detox. Heavy meals eaten alone in iftar disrupt this program. Simple, unrefined, herbal foods should be taken from essential nutrients. 

  • In detox programs, it is desirable to remove all proteins from the diet, but skim milk, egg white and fish grills should be recommended. 

  • Carbonated drinks should be avoided, instead the separator should be included. A glass of cola mixes sugar equal to white sugar as much as nine teaspoons of blood. 

  • Fruits are absorbed from the intestine. Therefore, it must be eaten while the stomach is empty.

Detox Products on the Turkish Pharmaceutical Market: Due to the multiplicity of detox-effective products and the width of the detox concept, a complete detox product is not available on the market. Detox bands are the most common products with liver cleanser and preservatives, intestinal cleansers, antioxidant herbal or vitamin-based products. Due to the development of the detox concept, detox products are expected to increase and diversify.

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